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Read about the latest news on EJT Holdings.

Investment Strategy

Our portfolio companies have typically been introduced to us through people we know. However, we do review business plans submitted to us. Please make sure your business description addresses each element of our investment strategy.

If there is sufficient interest, we will follow-up. If you and your team have the skills, drive and stamina to build a sustainable business, we can move very quickly.

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The Entrepreneur’s Voyage

The Entrepreneur’s Voyage is a concise yet powerful book that clearly outlines the rules and tools of success used by many of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs. The book is full of real-life examples that illustrate the actual practice of wealth-building concepts. In a matter of an hour or less you will understand the key leverage points and mindset needed to navigate a successful and prosperous entrepreneurial voyage of your own. Read More…

Learn the secrets of the 4 types of leverage to super charge your entrepreneurial venture. Develop the mindset needed to guide you to incredible financial and personal achievement.

– Eliot J. Tubis

The Entrepreneur’s Voyage

Rules and Tools for Success in Business and Life


You may contact us with any questions or business inquires using the information below. We will get back to you in less than 24 hours.

EJT Holdings
100 S. Pointe Drive
Suite 804
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Email: etubis@ejtholdings.com

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